How to Handle Change Like a Boss
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Adapt or die. We’ve all heard of it and while we might not die, the rule holds true even today. Change can be extremely daunting but unfortunately life is full of change and to get the most out of it, you’re going to have to learn to deal with change. Human beings are already programmed to have systems to deal with change such as the fight or flight, however those are not enough. We’re going to have to come up with some of our own systems to be able to thrive within change. This is where you’re in luck because I have 5 tips that can help you to prosper and embrace change.
How to Handle Change…
Tip #1 - Develop a growth mindset
A big reason why dealing with change can be so worrying is because your mindset is likely in a state which sees change as inherently negative; we call this a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset means that you believe that there is no chance that the abilities and talents that you were born with can change. With this mindset, any possible change that can occur cannot be positive to you as nothing beneficial can come out of change hence why it becomes quite daunting.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, can help people see life through a different lens. It allows them to see their mistakes as opportunities and learn from them. People with this mindset tend to believe that their personalities and experiences are constantly evolving. While it can be beneficial to have a growth mindset, it can also help people see life through a different lens. With a growth mindset, people tend to see their mistakes as lessons learned and change as opportunities.
Tip #2 - Find a mentor
To better navigate change, getting someone who is more experienced than you is going to be key. Mentors are not only beneficial for dealing with change but also in general,as their expertise can prove valuable for career growth through skill development, connections etc.
Having a coach or mentor can help you keep things in perspective and allow you to reach your goals. They can also help you identify the limiting thoughts that prevent you from reaching your goals. Having a cheerleader on your side can also help keep you motivated.
Tip #3 - Focus on you
It can be unsettling to be in a new phase of change. To feel some type of certainty, you can find yourself starting to compare your accomplishments to others. Doing so can only make you feel like they are losing their true selves. Instead, focus on your goals and try to be more positive about yourself. It’s always important to remember that even though it may seem that you know everything about that one guy who seems to have it all together, he probably looks at someone else wishing he was like them.
Tip #4 - Try to limit Social Media
When you go through a change, it's likely that you'll start using social media to keep in touch and update your friends. However, before you start posting, make sure that you actually want to post rather than doing it because you feel as if you need to prove to the world that you have it together. Increased social media use can also start to distort your view of other people’s life. Everyone has their own battles, and it's not always the same for everyone. If you're starting to compare yourself to others, then stop using social media.
Tip #5 - Take a breath
We tend to react immediately to any unexpected event. However, instead of reacting immediately, I would suggest taking a break and focusing on the details of the situation. Then, come up with a new strategy to resolve it. Taking a moment to breathe and really evaluate the change that is about to occur can help you prevent making any rash decisions that can make that change even worse.
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